Tonight I overheard one half of a conversation that somewhat changes our timeline. A man on the train was on the phone to a girl that he is involved with, called Sarah - so Peter's girlfriend now has a name. Various things transpired through the course of our journey. There was a story of a present that she'd really wanted so he bought it for her before they were meant to meet for a date but she stood him up so he gave it to a complete stranger. There was a man in prison that she was afraid of - sounds like Sarah's attempt to frame Peter for breaking into her house worked and now he's in jail and not happy about it! There were also some issues involving Facebook and since part of our story involves Peter and Phil finding each other on Facebook maybe Sarah's latest victim is Phil. So joining the dots, our story begins with a Facebook friend request. Peter and Phil, two old school friends, find each other on Facebook then randomly bump into each other not long after. Phil joins Peter, Evan and Sarah for a night out for Peter's birthday but ends up going home with Sarah. The next day Sarah convinces someone to break her door down then publicly accuses Peter of breaking into her house. He's arrested and sent to prison. Any idea where the dead magician comes into all this?